terça-feira, 7 de agosto de 2012

Qual e a melhor barra de cereal sem Gluten?

Qual e a melhor barra de cereal sem Gluten?

Harts Natural acaba de lançar uma nova barra de cereais (sem glúten) -

Barra de Cereal - Harts Super Mix

                     Indicada para quem restrição o glúten, composta principalmente por flocos de arroz, castanha do Pará, amêndoas, uva passa, quinoa, semente de linhaça, gergelin e mel.

"Um legitima barra de cereal" - Mari Kalil, RS, Zero Hora

Ingredientes e suas propriedades:

Ingredientes: Flocos de arroz – é rico em vitaminas do complexo B e minerais, castanha do Pará – aciona enzimas que combatem radicais livres para retardar o envelhecimento, amêndoas – ajudam na perda de massa muscular, a combater obesidade e doenças cardíacas, uva passa – ajuda a resolver problemas de insônia e outros distúrbios de caráter nervoso, quinoa – fonte de aminoácidos que ajudam na capacidade de aprendizagem e memória, semente de linhaça – auxilia o sistema digestivo e o funcionamento do intestino, gergelim – anticancerígeno, bloqueia a produção do colesterol, mel – indicado no tratamento de anemias e doenças respiratórias, além de antisséptico e cicatrizante, estabilizante natural lecitina de soja - reduz níveis de colesterol, previne que gorduras formem depósitos que restringem a circulação do sangue, óleo de canola, glicose de milho – rico em cálcio, fósforo, mineral e ferro e antiumectante natural bicarbonato de sódio. NÃO CONTÉM GLÚTEN.

10 comentários:

  1. Its my favorite cereal bar and it always pop into my pocket whenever I’m out. These bars are perfect for our lunch-boxes, and its high nutrients are good for our health. It is my favorite non-gluten bar. Avoid junk foods and grab this bar.

  2. I really recommend this cereal bar because it is gluten free and have lots of protein. These are amazing grab – and- go breakfast option. They look delicious and are really very tasty.

  3. A healthy start to a fresh day with a cereal bar is a very good option. Today’s daily rush has hardly left us time to make a huge breakfast. This cereal bars are fantastic! I love crunchy cereal bars. They have essential ingredients which your body seeks for.

  4. Hart's cereal bar offers us a healthy snack. It’s quick fix hunger solution on a busy day is just awesome. It not only satisfies hunger but benefits us a lot. It does not contain harmful proteins. The multi-ingredients available in it provide more health benefits than one can think of.

  5. Gluten free cereal bars are easy to digest foods. These are basically low calorie breakfast replacements. Its macro and micro nutrients are acceptable for all particularly, those who attempting stay trim.

  6. I also tried Hart’s Natural cereal bars; they look appealing with great natural ingredients. They are very helpful for our health as packed with essential vitamins and minerals. They are soft, chewy and of great taste. Our whole family loves it.

  7. One might reduce weight eating gluten free. It enables your body to start processing energy. Some athletics prefer to have gluten free diet for maintaining stable blood sugar levels while exercising. It is essential for muscle growth and strength.

  8. I also prefer a gluten free diet. A gluten-free diet means avoiding foods that contain wheat, oats, rye and barley. Most of the people are suffering from celiac disease along with digestive problems. For them this gluten free bread, cereal bars, pasta is fantastic. So, I recommend this cereal bar, it works !

  9. Cereal bar can make a good snack. They are healthy, easy to digest and will keep you going till lunch. A well-planned breakfast will normally have one-third as fruits and vegetables and the remaining as protein and carbohydrates, with minimum fat and sugar. So, maintain this and read the label what the bar exactly contains. Eating them regularly is not a big problem, but choose which ingredients are useful for you.

  10. I always carry a cereal bar in my bag. This are most incredible things ever made. Hart’s Natural cereal bars are widely appealing and even reaching parents or health conscious adults. Individually wrapped bars are easy to carry and I must recommend my friends to munch on at work.
